photo: Dianna Norton, 12/2/23
Gilbert A. Franke
130 N Harris Street
Bellville TX  77418


I am a retired Lutheran (LCMS) pastor  living in Bellville, Texas,  married to Beth Walters Franke, a retired public school librarian.  My hobbies include sailing, amateur radio (WB5RFQ), traveling, reading, and writing, especially poetry. 

I am a member of Poetry Review and Discuss. I have had several of my poems published in the PRD anthologies: The Poetic Bond II, III, IV and V. I was a member of The Society of American Poets before it disbanded in 2013.  I have had many poems published in their quarterly journal, The Poet's Pen. I have also "indie published" three books of my poetry:  The Stream of Life (2011), See the Train Come through Our Town (2012), and Christmas Cheer (2012). I have published other books: From the Bottom of the Barrel, C. B. Franke, 2005; In Her Steps, Ellen Beatrice Franke Richter, 2015; The Things I Tell You are Honestly True, 2nd Edition, C. B. Franke, 2016 and On the Brink of Eternity - Poems by Clara Rummel, 2021.

I grew up in Uvalde, TX.  and graduated from Uvalde High School ('64), Texas Lutheran University, Seguin TX ('68), and Concordia Seminary, St. Louis MO ('72).  I served as pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Harrold TX.; Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Brenham (William Penn) TX.; and St. Paul Lutheran Church and School, Bishop, TX., where I retired in September 2009. I continue to do interim and pulpit supply ministry.